Archangel Amethyst: Guardian of the Violet Flame and Spiritual Transformation

Archangel Amethyst: Guardian of the Violet Flame and Spiritual Transformation The Divine Presence of Archangel Amethyst Archangel Amethyst is the feminine counterpart of Archangel Zadkiel, working within the 7th Ray […]
Master Kuthumi: Guardian of Spiritual Education, Wisdom, and Enlightenment

Master Kuthumi: Guardian of Spiritual Education, Wisdom, and Enlightenment The Beloved Presence of Master Kuthumi Master Kuthumi is a much-loved Ascended Master, known for his gentle, warm, and loving energy, […]
Goddess Isis: Guardian of Transformation, Divine Feminine Power, and Spiritual Ascension

The Sacred Presence of Goddess Isis Goddess Isis is revered as the Moon Goddess, embodying the energies of transformation, renewal, and alignment on all levels—physical, spiritual, and soul. Her celestial […]
Temple of Mercy: A Sanctuary for Spiritual Awakening

Welcome to the Temple of Mercy: A Sanctuary for Spiritual Awakening and Renewal A Sacred Space of Light, Healing, and Transformation The Temple of Mercy is a radiant, ethereal sanctuary […]
Spiritual Plane Beings: Guardians of Divine Wisdom and Light

Spiritual Plane Beings: Guardians of Divine Wisdom and Light The Unseen Realms of the Spiritual Plane The Spiritual Plane Beings exist within the Inner Planes or Heavens, transcending the dense […]
Heal Your Resistance and Live Fully

Do you feel you never quite achieve your spiritual aspirations?
Do you set your mind to do something but never do it?
Do you feel you block yourself but have no idea why or how to move forward?
Sometimes we don’t even realise that we are resisting life and shutting out our divinity. Other times we know that we aren’t in harmony with our divine flow because things aren’t working out as we hoped they would. Everyone experiences resistance within, to their reality and spiritual growth. It is a process of battling, struggling. blocking or distracting yourself, but why do we resist and make it impossible to receive the things we are most deserving of and want in our lives?
I am offering a 3 week webinar experience where we will delve deep into the subject of the presence of inner resistance guided by Ascended Master Yeshua. As I channeled Master Yeshua you will be guided to explore your inner resistance to life and your spiritual journey in a safe and secure space. We will explore why we each have resistance, where the resistance comes from and how to work with your inner resistance to reconnect with yourself, life and spiritual growth so you can live a full and connected life.
Sometimes our resistance is covering our deepest fear or a painful wound. To participate in this journey you will need to be ready to delve deep within your being and be open to transformation, as well as experiencing a new way of being.
Join me and Master Yeshua as we courageously explore and transform your resistance to reawaken the way you live your life.
How it Works:
Each Thursday at 3:30pm – 5pm UK time, beginning 27th April – 11th May 2023, we will gather online with Natalie Glasson channeling Ascended Master Yeshua.
Natalie will offer a short presentation followed by channeled wisdom, meditations and practices. There is time for inner exploration, followed by an open sharing and Q & A period.
Once you have enrolled you will need to login to your OmNa Sanctuary Account, clicking on Downloads to reserve your space and receive the joining link for each session. It is important to do this straight away.
Each person registered will receive a replay of the session whether they attended or were unable to attend. The replay can be found in your OmNa Sanctuary Account under Downloads.
You can join the webinar series even if you have missed previous sessions as you will receive the replays of the sessions you have missed and the links to join the remaining sessions.
Investment Donation: £30 for all 3 weeks
Minimum donation for the 3 week course is £30, if you can and wish to invest more you are welcome to choose any sum that feels appropriate for you. All donations are gratefully received and support the ongoing channeled material and meditations available.
If you are unable to pay the minimum donation, OmNa Scholarships are available for this course, OmNa is dedicated to offering this sacred opportunity to all. When we work together we can change the vibration of the Earth to create a reality of love for all. Please fill in the questionnaire below stating how much you are able to invest or if investment is too difficult for you at this time.
Trust – The Ultimate Power

Would you love to be able to trust your intuition or the guidance you receive?
Do you find trusting your spiritual abilities and spiritual journey challenging and confusing?
Would you like to feel grounded and centred, trusting in your inner divinity?
Trust in something we may all feel lacking in our lives and spiritual evolution. Trust seems like it should be such a natural presence that radiates from us or acts like a guiding force. We are invited to trust each and every day. We try to trust others, life, the manifestation of our dreams and ourselves but we can feel like we fall short. Other times we trust wholeheartedly and don’t even realise the power of our trust.
The current ascension shifts are focused upon encouraging you to live powerfully. I feel that power and trust are interlinked and both need to be explored in order to feel safe enough to trust our power.
I am offering a 5 week webinar experience where we will delve deep into the subject of trust. Ascended Master Sanat Kumara will guide us to explore how we feel about trust, where trust is born from and how we can access our inner trust.
We will delve into the lack of trust present in life experienced by humanity and your own personal journey with lack of trust.
Sanat Kumara will guide us to recognise how to find our own source of trust and how to access divine trust. We will explore the connection between power and trust as well as the impact of trust in your spiritual ascension and physical reality.
Sanat Kumara wishes you to emerge from this webinar series with an inner blossoming of trust that allows you to move into a space of living powerfully and fully as a spiritual being working in harmony and connection with the Earth and all she has to offer.
Join me as I channel Sanat Kumara to experience a deeply healing journey of realigning with your ultimate and divine trust and power.
How it Works:
Each Thursday at 3:30pm – 5pm UK time, beginning 2nd March – 30th March 2023, we will gather online with Natalie Glasson channeling Ascended Master Sanat Kumara.
Natalie will offer a short presentation followed by channeled wisdom, meditations and practices. There is time for inner exploration, followed by an open sharing and Q & A period.
Once you have enrolled you will need to login to your OmNa Sanctuary Account, clicking on Downloads to reserve your space and receive the joining link for each session.
Each person registered will receive a replay of the session whether they attended or were unable to attend. The replay can be found in your OmNa Sanctuary Account under Downloads.
You can join the webinar series even if you have missed previous sessions as you will receive the replays of the sessions you have missed and the links to join the remaining sessions.
Investment Donation: £50 for all 5 weeks
Minimum donation for the 5 week course is £50, if you can and wish to invest more you are welcome to choose any sum that feels appropriate for you. All donations are gratefully received and support the ongoing channeled material and meditations available.
The Embodiment Cycle – The Next Stage of the Over Lighting Project

Do you wish to explore your ascension and bring your spiritual mastery into embodiment now?
Do you wish to embody more light within your being?
Would you like to meet yourself in numerous dimensions?
It is time to climb the ladder of light exploring dimensions of your mastery and anchor them more fully into your physical reality for your experience. In this 6 session webinar series I will channel the Star Beings Arcturians to aid a magnificent and empowering embodiment of light within your being and reality. The Embodiment Cycle encourages you to use the energy, light and wisdom of the Over Lighting Project to accelerate your ascension.
You will be guided to enter into your inner light and spiritual journey, exploring the dimensions of your ascension light, embodying many dimensions of light and the sacred skills that are available. You will be guided to meet different higher aspects of yourself, and wise masters who are assisting your higher light aspects. You will be encouraged to recognise the purpose of the higher dimensions of your being, recognising how they influence your current reality and what you can learn and embody.
Join me as we create the space that is required to journey through your light, meeting yourself in numerous light dimensions, awakening a deeper embodiment of your sacred light. We will also support a deeper embodiment of the higher aspect of each person on the Earth. This is a powerful whole being light awakening process.
How it Works:
You will receive links to gather online at a time that suits you, with Natalie Glasson channeling the Star Beings Arcturians.
Natalie will offer a short presentation followed by channeled wisdom, meditations, practices and inner exploration.
INVESTMENT DONATION: £60 for all 6 Sessions
Minimum donation for the 6 session course is £60, if you can and wish to invest more you are welcome to choose any sum that feels appropriate to you. All donations are gratefully received and support the ongoing channeled material and meditations available.
What is Your Truth? by Master Kuthumi

Download Audio MP3 Greetings beloved ones, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth my love and my blessings for your […]
As You Focus So You Become by the Arcturians

Greetings beloved beings of light, we are the Arcturians.